BEFORE: stop all retinols a minimum of 72 hours prior to waxing, you can not wax while on accutane or for 6 months after taking accutane, let us know if you have allergies or are on antibiotics or medications that cause skin sensitivity, avoid exfoliants for 72 hour before waxing and avoid caffeine before body waxing.
AFTER: for 24-48 hours stay out of the sun, avoid swimming, don't exfoliate, avoid sauna and hot yoga, don't use too many products, no excessive sweating, avoid tight clothes and no hooking up for 24 hours.
BEFORE: stop all retinols and exfoliants a minimum of 72 hours prior. Let us know if you have allergies, are on antibiotics or medications that cause skin sensitivity, using prescription topical skin care, using acne products that are over the counter. Please share if you have had sensitivities to past facials and also what you like or dislike during facials. For example, If you've had a facials in the past and you didn't enjoy steam, let us know. All treatments are customize and benefits will be provided through out the entire facial.
AFTER: Wear SPF, no working out for 24-72 hours, sleep on a clean pillow case, stay hydrated and enjoy that glow!